There is a permanent disconnect here; the actual method in the transmitting of information from God to his agents on Earth is never satisfactorily or convincingly explained.
No doubt the question is frequently asked and especially more so since the governing body members are now highly visible, "How does Jehovah direct the GB?" In his attempt to say how, Morris's focus is on the GB's collective opinion and labelling it "from heaven". His body language betrays that he is not convinced himself as he utters this! Never is there mention of any method of information-transmission from God to them.
The unspoken fact is that as a body of governors they simply take a vote. Their voting is not inspired because they vote exclusively to the end that absolutely any and every decision is made towards the financial security and furtherance of the worldly interests of the WTBTS and its legal partners.
"Theocracy" and heaven's involvement is pure fantasy, a sop for the sad punters who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.